Thursday, July 2, 2009

summer adventures and cherished memories

Well, I have to say, my summer has been pretty full since graduation. I've had many adventures big and small. Gradnite was actually really fun and watching the sunrise at signal hill afterwards was amazing as well. Nikki and I have also been trying to fill our summer with fun since the school year wasn't as lucky. We've been scrapping, having tv marathons, and going on spontaneous adventures which consisted of taking her for her first time to signal hill and then for a yogurtland treat on 2nd, truly and adventure. We're trying to make up for the last however many summers that we hardly saw each other because of my crazy summer schedules, and I have to say, we are doing pretty darn well. I can't believe we are going our separate ways next year. We've been together since first grade, stuck through the thick and thin together, watched each other grow up, and stood by each other's side. I've seen her everyday at school for 12 years and all the sudden we will be in different states. I can't believe how fast life goes by. I remember Nikki and I being little six and seven year olds that were the last ones at daycare everyday because our parents worked. I remember Nikki and I at sixth grade promotion despising Lexington because Landell was our home. I remember Nikki and I at eighth grade promotion despising Cypress because we didn't want to go to high school. And now, I remember Nikki and I at graduation, savoring our last school activity together and cherishing the years we've stuck by each other. Needless to say, I'm gonna miss her so much next year, I don't know what I would have done without her all these years, especially senior year.

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